5 min readNov 5, 2021



South African Development Community (SADC) was formally established in 1980 termed as the South African Development Co-ordination Conference (SADCC). SADC has 16 member states of which Zambia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Angola, Madagascar, Malawi, and Mozambique are among. The shared liberation struggle has contributed to a sense of ‘brotherhood’ among SADC member states. The unity and solidarity among the member states have been manifested through integrity during decolonization processes, trade, foreign affairs, sports, and politics. These ‘liberation ties’ intersect and help SADC to control peace and security issues in the region.

The objectives are linked to the SADC common agenda which is comprised of the following principles and policies: promotion of sustainable and equitable economic growth and socio-economic development that ensures poverty alleviation with the ultimate objective of its eradication; promotion of common political values, systems, and other shared values which are transmitted through institutions that are democratic, legitimate and effective; and promotion, consolidation and maintenance of democracy, peace and security.

SADC protocols were one of the instruments put forth to enhance the achievement of the set objectives. A protocol is a legally binding document committing the member states to the objectives. The protocols enshrine the aims of the community by providing codes of procedure as agreed by member states. The 1992 SADC Declaration and Treaty oblige member states to legally participate and implement SADC protocols. The institutional architecture to encourage the implementation of SADC protocols includes the Summit of Heads of States, the Council of Ministers, the Standing Committee of Officials, and the Secretariat. The Summit of Heads of States and Governments is SADC’s supreme institution and policymaker of the organization. The Summit meets annually for two days in one of the member states for discussion of the overall policy direction and functioning of the organization.

SADC has been in work during an era of an apartheid system in South Africa. It worked hand-in-hand with African Union to ensure that the apartheid is eliminated in South Africa. Apartheid was a system of legal racial segregation in South Africa which lasted from 1948 to 1994, under which the rights of the majority black inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and minority rule by whites was maintained. Under apartheid, non-whites would be forced to live in separate areas from whites and use different public facilities, and contact between the two groups would be limited. The system made the non-whites particularly the blacks to live a miserable life in their own country. The apartheid sparked internal resistance and violence in South Africa and caused a threat to peace and security in the region. This is because a series of protests were met with the banning and imprisoning of anti-apartheid leaders. As unrest became more violent, state organizations responded with increasing repression. Since one of the major objectives of the SADC establishment is to settle any dispute among member states, thus it played a great role in settling the disputes caused by the apartheid in South Africa through funding the process, and helping South Africa in decolonization from the British colonial masters.

SADC plays an important role in conflict resolution of the misunderstandings occurring within and outside the region. SADC is also concerned with outside conflicts because they affect the peace of the region. Conflict resolutions are methods and procedures involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of a conflict and revenge. It requires methods that address the root causes of the problem through analysis. Different methods can be used by SADC to resolve internal and external conflicts among member states and these include withdrawal, contending, compromising, yielding and problem-solving. Problem-solving has always been the best method for both internal and external conflict resolution because it determines all the major causes of the conflicts and considers the interests of both conflicting sides to generate a genuine solution. The problem-solving method of conflict resolution considers a strong claim of one’s interest but equal awareness of the aspirations and needs of the other. It generates energy to search for a creative and long-term or permanent problem-solving outcome. For example, in 2007, the retired president Kikwete, Chairman of the SADC organ on Security, Defense, and Politics, was deeply involved in the search for peaceful solutions to pollical crises in Zimbabwe and Lesotho. Not only that but also president Kikwete was involved in resolving the conflicts in Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo. All these conflicts were resolved through careful mediation whereby each side was satisfied with the decisions made.

Despite the efforts done by SADC to enhance peace and security in the region, it still faces threats that endanger peace in the region. Civil wars greatly threaten the peace and security of the region. These happen as a result of corrupt governments, poor governance, religious differences in the region, political and economic interests. For example, the Democratic Republic of Congo has become a never-ending nightmare in conflicts with the death of very many civilians where armed groups such as M23 are fighting against the government. The root cause of the conflict among the Congolese is misrule and poor governance that have lasted for so long time. Also, inadequate fund threatens the peace and security of the region. SADC requires funds to enhance peace through transporting troops, provision of food, building refugee camps, and maintaining the welfare of people during a time of crisis.

The threats to peace and security are to be addressed for the betterment of SADC and Africa in general. The major ways that can be used are; securing and promoting democracy in the region, maintenance of human rights, improvement of people’s socioeconomic conditions through the provision of employment opportunities, good health facilities, and proper infrastructure. Also, SADC should find ways to raise funds that will help in solving fund-requiring projects and satisfy the needs of individuals before the rise of insecurity. These will help to end the conflicts and attain peace, security, and order in the region and foster sustainable development among the member states.


Cawthra, G., The Role of SADC in Managing political crisis and conflict: The Cases of Madagascar and Zimbabwe, Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung, 2010.

Clayton Hazvinei Vhumbunu, Appraising the Efficacy of SADC in Resolving the 2014 Lesotho.

Desmidt, By Sophie. 2017. “Understanding The Southern African Development Community Peace and Security: How to Fight Old And.”

Grasa, Rafael, and Oscar Mateos. 2010. “Conflict, Peace, and Security in Africa: An Assessment and New Questions After 50 Years of African Independence.”

Lins de Albuquerque, A, and Hull-Wiklund, C., Challenges to Peace and Security in Southern Africa: The Role of SADC, Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI Memo 5594, December 2015.

Nieuwkerk, Anthoni Van. 2012. “Towards Peace and Security.” Peace and Security Series FES, no. Series no6: 1–28.




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